Leasing with a section 8 voucher





Phone number

Section 8

Leasing process

Contact your case worker

Make sure you contact your caseworker to confirm the rent amount, address to the apartment, and the amount section 8 will pay.

Send us your case worker’s info.

Send us the name, phone number, email and fax for your case worker. We will need to send over some forms


Schedule an inspection

Have your caseworker reach out to Faustinus Davis using the contact information above to schedule an inspection.


Send over additional paperwork

If there is any additional information that needs to be sent to Faustinus, his information is above.


The Process


Confirm with Case Worker

Make sure your voucher is eligible for the apartment


We send over forms needed for section 8

As soon as we get your caseworker info, we will send over all the nessesary paperwork


Schedule Inspection

We will then schedule an inspection with your caseworker